Parts Categories

Looking for a discontinued or obsolete system part? We stock a large selection of rare & hard-to-find miscellaneous...

We stock a wide range of high quality PCBs that are no longer available from the system supplier...

We understand that system computer boards and components can be difficult to source, as many units & components...

At Multi 21 Solutions, we stock a wide range of stages / motors, chucks and handler parts for...

Discover our range of high-quality system cameras including macro inspection cameras, review and pattern recognition cameras. We supply...

Here at Multi 21, we stock a wide range of controllers for PRI / EQUIPE / BROOKS robots,...

We stock a wide range of system power supply parts including switching, AC and DC power supplies for...

Semiconductor wafer inspection and metrology equipment contain a huge range of sensors and switches. It’s easy for these...

We supply a wide variety of high & low power objective optics and specialized magnifications such as 3X...

Our inventory at Multi-21 is constantly updating, so if you are looking for an August AXi Macro Defect...

We stock a wide range of industrial doors, system skins, hoods, optics covers, handler covers, and more. These...

We understand the importance of replacing your system monitor and keyboard. A worn or defective monitor or keyboard...